

Do I need to have meditation experience to join one of your guided meditations or events? 

Definitely not. Grace Mindfulness guided meditations and events are designed for any level of experience. Everyone has the innate ability to be mindful, and everyone is welcome in this community.


Meditating can be a supportive practice for many people. If you've never done it before, you'll be able to find out if you are one of these people by trying out a practice.

I strive to create safety in and be accountable for the practices that I offer. I'm also committed to making my meditations accessible to as many people as possible - my training has incorporated trauma sensitivity and this factors into all practices that I create and guide. That being said, there will be needs in any given group I guide that I'm either not aware of, or still learning about. My goal is for your meditation experience to be as transformative and powerful as possible. If I can support you at any point in your meditation journey, please let me know.

Why do you offer tiered pricing for guided meditations? 

The North American wellness space is currently dominated by people with privilege. In offering different pricing options, I aspire to remove financial barriers to developing a consistent mindfulness practice through re-distributing financial resources within the wellness community that I operate in.

Do I have to sit completely still with my legs crossed in order to meditate “correctly” or get the full benefits of meditation? 

Nope - in fact, I encourage everyone to tune into their bodies and find a position that works for them each time we gather to practice. And I want everyone to feel free to mindfully move as they need during guided meditations. It’s important to serve your body first.

Can I make a contribution to support those with fewer financial resources to participate in mindfulness activities? 

Yes! You can do that here. Contributions are deeply appreciated and 100% of proceeds will be put towards offering free or lower-cost services to those in need.