Guided Meditation


Grace Mindfulness offers custom meditations for small groups and events. If you'd like to meditate with family, friends or a group, or add an element of mindfulness to an event you're planning, contact me and I can design something that works for you.


Guided meditations

Join me each week for three 30-minute guided meditations, currently offered on Zoom. All are welcome, no experience required.

bespoke meditations for groups and events

What to expect

Guided meditations are approximately 25 minutes long and will centre around a monthly theme. Some will incorporate thoughtfully curated sound or music.

floral element

Class schedule

rise and shine meditation class

Rise and shine

Tuesdays 8:30-9:00am
30-minute guided meditation

power down meditation class

Power down

Thursdays at 8:30-9:00pm 
30-minute guided meditation

go with the Flow mediation class

Go with the flow

Sundays at 8:00-8:30pm
30-minute guided meditation





Mindfulness Membership

Join unlimited guided meditations with a membership.  

  • $45/month for 3 months ($135 total) 

  • $35/month for 12 months ($420 total) 


Individual sessions

I strive to include everyone that wishes to practice meditation, regardless of ability to pay. That’s why Grace Mindfulness operates with a pay-what-you-can model.

Choose your tier: 

  • Tier 1 - Accepting support: $3 / class

  • Tier 2 - Self-sustaining: $10 / class

  • Tier 3 - Community contributor: $14 / class 


Tier 1 - Accepting support: choose this option if you currently have limited resources and have to choose between basic needs and enjoying life’s pleasures. You may be unemployed or precariously employed. Accepting community support will help you to avoid further financial stress.

Tier 2 – Self-sustaining: choose this option if you have mostly sufficient resources and can pay your bills each month, with some funds left over. 

Tier 3 – Community contributor: choose this option if you have more than enough resources, and can afford to take vacations and contribute to savings while meeting your basic needs. We also recommend choosing this option if meditation is covered by your benefits plan. In choosing Tier 3, you are supporting those with fewer financial resources to develop a meditation practice. $4 from each session cost is added to our fund that allows people to meditate for a lower cost or for free. Our support tracker, found on the home page, shows how many classes our community has provided for one another.

When choosing a tier, please know there is absolutely zero judgement. The goal is that everyone that wants to, gets to practice! Please be mindful that if you choose a tier that is lower than what you can actually afford, you may be limiting access to those that truly need the financial flexibility. Your honesty will help us grow a strong and stable mindfulness community.

If paying for meditation is a barrier for you, please contact me.